

I don't regret you, not one bit
I won't dwell on how we split
I won't let bitterness consume
For my memories still bloom
Yes, it's true, we couldn't last
But that doesn't mean our love was past
I hold onto the moments we shared
For they were the ones that truly mattered
It may not have ended on a perfect note
But I choose to focus on the good we wrote
The laughter, the smiles, the love we shared
Those memories will never be impaired
I don't care about your worst
For in my mind, you're still the first
The first one to make my heart race
The one who brought a smile to my face
I remember how it all began
The butterflies, the nervousness, the grand plan
You were my everything, my shining light
And for that, I'll forever hold you tight
I won't ever regret you, that's for sure
For you were the one I truly adored
You taught me how to love and be loved
And for that, I'll always be thankful
So even though our love didn't last
I won't let it be a thing of the past
For I don't regret you, not one bit
And that's all that matters to me, I admit.
© cynfully