

When I was a little girl,
I was not worrisome,
just wanted my fairyworld.

And when I grew up,
they stopped me from worshipping,
sitting on the comfort couches.
All I thought , I did a crime,
my body was bleeding !

Was I responsible for this ?
was I not a normal human being?
All I could do now was sit in the corner
for five days not touching anybody, not doing anything ...

I was a 10 year old girl who barely knew about her menses.
Who barely knew what were the changes she was going through..
Everybody in school was teasing me for that stain on my skirt,
and all I knew was a spot of embarrassment in my mind !
How everyday I came back running to the bathroom,
crying screaming believing I ate something wrong, I did something wrong..

Nobody told me what I was going through,
when my brother asked what happened why are you crying?
I just gave a unornamented reply ..
When father passed by me,
I used to wipe all my tears and smiled like his princess,
hiding everything what was going inside me ..

I wish somebody would have explained me then,
I wish somebody would have told me that I was fine,
I wish somebody just gave me a smile of no worries,
I wish I could get my fairyworld back,
where everybody was not ashamed of my menses or me ..

© shruti singh