

A Welcomed Summer
I'm in the back of my car,
Eating a popsicle and playing my guitar.

Having a pool party,
Or binging on some show that is arty.

Please give me some sunscreen because the heat is killing me,
Let's have a margarita and go on a shopping spree.

This cool summer is too good to be true,
Want to spend it with you.

Cause this a welcomed summer,
Don't cry over a bummer.

In my swimsuit, I am swimming in the pool,
Or let's make a treehouse that looks too colourful.

Let's enjoy this summer!
Cut the toxic friends who make you feel dumber.

Oh, those lovely evenings! when I am cozy in my couch,
Avoiding the habits that make me a grouch.

Flipping the pages of a storybook,
Don't judge by it's cover or illustration's looks.

As the pages of my summer ends,
And the level of my happiness transcends.

Cause that was welcomed summer that I enjoyed the most!
And the most beautiful moments, I propose a toast.

© Fifa 🦋

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