

I wish I were a child again
I wish I were a child again...
Where I can be under the shade of my parents,
Where I could always be in the warmness of my mom's wings like hand,
And listen to the lullabies she sings on my demand.

I wish I were a child again...
Where I wait for dad's goodnight kiss,
And get some pats to sleep and never miss....

I wish I were a child again...
So I could be a wonderer wandering aimless,
So I could be always ready to play with sand without any stress...

I wish I were a child again...
No worries, No pain
Nothing to lose, Nothing to gain
No stress, No strain
Just happiness everywhere,
And always having a smile to wear...

I wish I were a child again...
To relieve those of never ending giggles,
And have the freedom to snuggle.

I wish I were a child again...
To never drown in some thoughts so deep,
To never ruin my night while everyone falls asleep...

Thinking about the things I got and what I lost,
What have they given and how much they cost.
Twirling on my bed with swirling thoughts in my head,
With many absorbed tears and still many to shed....

All I wish is to be a child again....
© divi