

What is beautiful in your life?
Your soul is beautiful.
Your imperfections are admirable.
Your looks are drop-dead gorgeous.
Your character is amiable.
You are versatile in the theater of your life.
Your attitude determines your direction and it's a little thing that makes a big difference.
You're enchanting girl with charming personality.
Your passion makes you drive let the reason holds the reins.
Your experience are precious memories and valuable lessons of your life until you go through your journey.

Everything is beautiful in your life as you go through the things and time.

Setting your goals is the first most important step into turning the hidden into the apparent.

Make choices it will make you and reach you to your destiny.
You're going to make everything around you beautiful that will be your life.

So learn to enjoy every moment of your life coz no one knows what's going to come on your way tomorrow and "Tomorrow never comes".

~Priya Varma