

The colourful morning sun
Arrived in my room
I looked outside
The sun was painted by our Orchard
Oh! what a beautiful morning

Winter has arrived
The cold left me tied
I struggled from my bed
To take a sight of the beauty
Nature revealed itself as it was said

The brown leaves from the might tree
Decorated the ground
I opened my eyes more to see
Nature will be my home
I will love to reside in nature

The grass were like carpets
Adoring Birds were sleeping
The Orchards looks like a paint room
Welcoming people with with its scent

I looked at the Mighty tree
Children who ran from homes chores
Swinging and Singing on it
The joy undescribeable

I was consumed by the young girl
Holding her Violin in her hand
While she play it joyfully
The Birds sing along with her
Nature was in a music session
Oh! what it is to reside in nature