

The greatest treasures,
can be just a sunny day,
feel the heat of it on your skin,
with a summerbreeze surrounding you.
It can be the smile of an unnown,
it's a free gift, especially for you.
It costs him nothing, and it gives you
a good feeling. It can be the woods after
a rainy autumn day, the smel of the beautiful
colored leaves, it's so intens. It can be looking
at the waves on the beach, and see the birds
passing by on there whay to the south on
the end of september. You feel a bond with
them, on that moment that you see them fly.
It can be the fresh white snow, so white and
pure, never touched, like an innocent virgin girl.

It can be a beautiful dream, that you find it
almost a pity that you wake up, you wish that
you could dreamed a little longer. It can be
a little baby child that laughs at you and touch
you with his little hands. It can be anything, just
the small simple things in life, that makes life
worth to live. Enjoy this kind of things, it are
the things that make your life beautiful.
Be open minded, you will only learn from this.
Be grateful that you get a great gift called life,
there's a reason that you are here, it's a learning
process, along the way on your yourney of life.
Follow the right paths, and try to do good, it
makes you happy and bring you in a good mood.