

new version of [you shine my lord]
You shine, my Lord, while I've been in this world,
Since I've been in Africa, you've kept me safe and unfurled.
Under the wings of your angels, I've found my peaceful nest,
Yet I haven't praised you enough, nor glorified you at your best.

Oh, Lord, you're gracious, oh God, you're compassionate and kind,
Wealthy in love, and good in all your ways, you shine.
Your works praise you, Lord, your creation sings your praise,
Rich in love, and good at all times, you shine in all your ways.

Day and night, angels sing, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord,
God almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.'
You shine, my Lord, and I am grateful for your light,
Guiding me through life's journey, and filling my heart with delight.

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