

The Unstoppable
First thing First
You can live for yourself
And be unstoppable
Go learn the timetable

The higher the number
The bigger the order
One linear is smaller
Than 2 counter

So get it straight
Your ego is a weight
You must reduce it
To reach the height
Unstoppable produces

Catch me if you can
I am living like Daniel in the old testament, but I am acting like John in the new testament before you know the Moses part of me show out, then I speak like Elijah in the mix. I wish many knew what it takes

Patterns !!! Life is built with many systems _ Jesus did not marry but his first miracle was at a wedding.
Being established is better than marriage

Living a purpose, fulfilling your plans, and increasing your potential are the first trends of the patterns. Jericho was captured with the help of a Prostitute

An ungodly institute !??
Practice after taking a hand
Open a friendly conversation with your man. You will control him by the wrist of his hand

Whenever you learn what a great person said, You are saying what you have to say. Many don't understand that way. That's why education is different from liberation

Many are educated
Very few are liberated
Knowing if you must talk as John then you must put him on. To some it's wrong, but a lonely person is never strong

Number the 5 closest persons to you. The greater their wrong the mightier you are strong. They are taking you through many skins, some thick and some thin _ So you don't know how you gained??

By being a helper you create haters. By being a lover you create liars. By being prosperous you make others envious. For wherever there is light there is a shadow

Shadow is the manifestation of self-esteem and selfishness. Copy the quality in other attributes and thank me after you passed through some life seasons of storm and rain

The Unstoppable is capable of anything attainable, measurable, and visible. Anything that lives on food dies from hunger, so accept everyone's odds and be happier. There is no wisdom in anger, so say yourself and grow stronger 💪 💪 💪

© Jarry B Blie