

Wings of Hope: A Dreamer's Flight
To chase the hope, the dreamer learns,
In every step, their passion burns.
They seize each moment as their own,
Embrace the future yet unknown.

With steadfast heart, they take the leap,
To scale the mountains, oceans deep.
They dare to face uncertainty,
And claim their dreams with certainty.

But first, they must release the past,
The burdens carried, shadows cast.
For in the present, dreams take flight,
When freed from memories' twilight.

They shed the weight of what's been done,
Forgiving self and everyone.
To heal the scars, to mend the soul,
To find their purpose, make it whole.

Through tears of joy, through tears of pain,
The dreamer strives, they break the chain.
With hope as compass, they persist,
In every trial, they'll coexist.

So, dreamer, chase the hope within,
And let the past fade, start to win.
With hope in heart and dreams held tight,
You'll paint a world of endless light.

© Plasmagrapes