[5/8, 11:00 AM] MT-Penda: If it ever happens today,
The designer will be gone,
For twice I almost was crashed,
Therefore if it ever happens today,
The poet will be gone,
The filmmaker will die
Before any of her films are ever made,
The filmmaker will be gone,
At least I lived,
Those days I breathed
In those years I was living,
If it ever happens today,
Just know it wasn't meant to be,
Nor was it the day, but
If it ever happens today
The designer will be gone,
For twice I almost was crashed,
Therefore if it ever happens today,
The poet will be gone,
The filmmaker will die
Before any of her films are ever made,
The filmmaker will be gone,
At least I lived,
Those days I breathed
In those years I was living,
If it ever happens today,
Just know it wasn't meant to be,
Nor was it the day, but
If it ever happens today