

True Love
When I met you, I felt for you the first time
You show me what love was and how it can make you feel
When I am with you, I smile like crazy
I always stay next to you because I feel safe
You make took my breathe away
I gave you my heart
I gave you my soul
You are my everything
You show me love when I needed it the most
You were there for me when I needed help
You were my friend when I needed someone to talk to
You love me when no one did
You save my life when I wanted to end it
You care for me more than anyone could ever do
You gave me everything and didn’t want anything in return
You understand me when no one does
You make me smile when I want to be upset
You gave me strength when I was weak
You took my pain away
When I look into your eyes, I just fall deeper in love with you
When you smile you make me happy
Every time when something is wrong with me you find away to make feel better
A lot of things happen to me or what I go through and you still stood by me through it all
You gave me hope when I have none
You always do everything to make me happy
When you text me it’s like no one else exist
You never force me to do anything

Lost in time,
weaved with memories,
It was but an old house
© Mellisa