

A Woman Who Wanted To Stay Young

There's a story about a woman who craved youth, she sought a way to stay young, to find eternal truth. She heard whispers of a dark and twisted path, a way to cheat the aging process and escape death's wrath. She learned that to quench her thirst for life, she must drink blood and use it to survive. She hesitated at first, but then gave in, and soon, the addiction consumed her skin. She became a creature of the night, a shadowy figure with a thirst for life. She roamed the streets, searching for prey, a victim to offer up their blood, to keep her at bay. But as the days wore on, her beauty waned, her once youthful face became stained. She realized too late, the cost of her choice.

The woman came across an ancient tale, That spoke of drinking blood as a way, to keep oneself forever young, but at what cost would she have to pay? For she couldn't bear the thought of aging, so she drank the blood, day after day, and felt the power of youth within, but little did she know, the horror that awaited, as she committed the ultimate sin.
For the blood she drank, was not of her
own kind, but of innocent victims, now left behind. Their lives were taken, their blood was spilled, and with each sip, her conscience was killed. until one day, she looked in the mirror, and saw not the face of a young and fair, but a monster, with eyes so hollow, and a heart that was beyond repair.

She realized then, the price she had paid, for her vanity and fear of old age, and wished she could turn back the clock, to undo her irreversible mistake. But, it was too late for her, for the damage had already been done, And she would forever live with the guilt, of the innocent lives that she had undone.

And now, she is cursed to wander forever alone with monster face, old with no one to hold and love.

© K. I. L.