

Book readers
I keep book reading as my priority activity. The feel of words, either the beauty of structures or the touching beauty of grammar, keeps me elated. My mood changes, as I run through the unknown territory of language. Yes I embraced literature and I live with it. Books are my companion. The smell of paper, the cover page design, oh God, there is no greater feeling than the feel of books. They keep me infected. I love dealing with them and the english as a language is awesome. I am strongly obsessed with it's beauty and it's place in my life. I began by reading journals favourite being Reader's Digest, and fiction during my school days. The popular authors James Hadley Chase, Erle Stanley Gardiner, Fredryck Forsyth baffled my imagination with impressive stories. Reading hard core novels showed me peculiar path in which I travelled with challenges. Not all I read, I understood first. Tough vocabulary was willing to penetrate my average linguistic skills. But as I got used to it, it became easier and friendly. I learnt without pride but with continuous passion. Soon my attention was diverted to the English daily, particularly the column Letters to The Editor. I wrote and got published. My story on quality also selected for a popular column, Sound Off. It went on for a few months and my dream to write a book surfaced slowly. Now engaged in writing a book titled "Turn around your creative instincts" fully exposes my creative journey, opening out every facet of the instinct I indulged. Hope it will soon get published and comes to the public domain.
© franky