

She never spoke about herself or her feelings
Many assumed she is too dark..and her feelings hideous
Others were certain she doesn’t feel at all
Little did they know
She couldn’t speak cause she felt too much
Too much that her lips trembled
Too deep that her eyes never stopped raining
Whenever she dared to voice them loud
How much ever she wanted to bring her walls down
She had caged herself in...she could never find a way out
Nor did she find anyone to find the key of her prison
So she spent her time hopelessly in vain
All the while pretending there was never a cage at all
To keep the ones she loved outside those bars happy
So she spent her years in that invisible cage
Learning to breathe with the little air she had
But she is running out of time now
Cause she grew, the cage did not
It’s time those bars break her bones
It’s time that cage choked her alive
It’s time that prison put an end to her misery
Maybe than she would finally be free...

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