

A Colorless life
I have been trying to look for colors
They make your life beautiful they say
I am clearly no fan of hunting down pretty things
It's just I hate this view from my side where
Everything stays black and white
I am wondering if my frame could have
Just a bit of yellow to remember there is light
And a pinch of green to know that there is still something that does grow
For goodness sake if there is anything more left
I could even take some red
To believe I can feel like a real living human
I see shadows but no light
I see shades but no real color
I am losing hope that this would change
That things will get better ,
And all that sayings big folk dramatically say
I now only wish it would end
I don’t get to see the colors
I am stuck lifeless in these black shades
Not even feeling blue
Cause I doubt I could feel anymore
And I know it’s been this way for a very long time
And it’s stupid to hope at all
But this crazy heart still does
Not wishing for a change
But praying to end it all
Because I could no more have the strength
To see everything colorless lifeless
No more “lesses”…let me lose them completely
And then I would feel light entirely empty
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