

Bold strokes of a confident hand,
The painting is a masterpiece,
Executed as planned,
It mesmerizes the one who sees,

The one who sees the painting's shades,
They are completely filled with joy,
Their sorrow slowly slowly fades,
and thats when artists enjoy,

Enjoy every moment they spent,
for all the strokes, figures, shapes and colors,
Every message they sent,
for people who could relate and not for dollars,

For dollars they have no greed,
as their emotions were expressed through art,
Painting is an artist's basic need,
every piece of it owns their heart,

Their heart is ruled by Paint brushes,
and pencil and paper and paints,
every disturbance is gone for hushes,
and their focus level is trained like saints,

Trained like saints is their patience,
and sketch every turn and twist,
and capture all tiny to mighty creations,
Thats how a white paper is filled by an artist.

#writcochallange #writcopoem@
#artist #talent