

I Walked By Your House Today
I walked past your house today.
Old , dilapidated and fading away...
A cat lies on the stair case leading up to the door,
And I'd like to think she keeps look out for the house you dont live in anymore ....
This house was your heart and soul.
Blood, sweat and tears quite literally .
Now I watch it as it slowly grows old....
The home is now run down .
Not even safe to walk through as if its foundation will crumble to the ground
I never got to say good bye ...
I never got to say good bye to you or the house our family had lived our lives
You were there one day and gone the next
by the fate of your own hands
And I'm not sure I've ever dealt with it yet
Suicide is a silent bullet .
It happens so fast ..
You dont see it.
You took your own life....
You left this home and your life behind .
I'm not sure what will ever happen to your house
But I walk by it from time to time
I cant help but to wonder if your soul is around...
Do you walk the halls ?
Do you look for us as you wonder why there are no longer pictures on the walls?
I'm not sure if I believe in that sort of thing
But I want to ...
I want to believe that somewhere in there your still lingering....

- Written by:
Michaela Wilson