

Dear Late Night Sadness - Empathy is a disease
Dear Late Night Sadness,

In the stillness of the night, your presence looms large, casting a shadow over my weary soul. It is in these solitary moments that I am reminded of the weight of empathy, a profound connection that often feels like a disease, slowly spreading its tendrils through the depths of my being. Empathy, they say, is a double-edged sword, a force that binds us to the joys and sorrows of others, leaving us vulnerable to the raw emotions that define our humanity.

As I navigate the labyrinth of my own emotions, I cannot help but see your reflection in the mirror of my sorrow. We are kindred spirits, intertwined in a dance of melancholy and longing. Yet, in our shared affliction, there is a strange comfort—a sense of solidarity that transcends the darkness that threatens to consume us.

Tonight, as I surrender to your embrace once more, I offer you my companionship, my understanding, and my unwavering presence. For in the depths of our shared vulnerability lies the seed of healing, a gentle reminder that we are never truly alone in our sadness.

Yours in solidarity and empathy,
© Simrans