

See your partners potential
Michelle Obama said her and her husband went into a restaurant and her ex owned the restaurant and her husband the president of the United States said jokingly hey if you were with him you could have own this restaurant, she said hmm or maybe he wouldn't been the president of the United States 🤔 she helped him become the man he Is ! See a man's potential and what you bring to him. Women always put monetary value on a man. But don't see the potential in what a man could be. That's why they have guys that cheat and drink and do drugs and run the streets.Then that one woman comes along and sees something in him and demands more and they stop doing all the negative things they used to do. Now they work have a family and are on Business. Then the exe's always think what was wrong with me. Nothing was wrong with them. They just wasn't the person that brought out the best in him. Knives sharpen knives. Butter knives don't sharpen steak knives ! The same with men don't say she was a cheater and promiscuous and a party girl. What you bring out of her and she feels like I have a great man so I need to be great aswell. So she leaves you and now she owns businesses and is an entrepreneur because the new guy tapped into her ambitions and goals. He brought out her best because he saw the best in her ! People change for people who truly see them past their flaws and failures.Domt be the starter chick or starter dude that your partner was with and got out all their toxicity and negative attributes on just for them to part from you and be their best. If they matter to you you will motivate them encourage them to be the best version of themselves while with you!
© ockindev213