

Heart knows everything
How often do you listen to your heart?
Because sometimes it feels like it's falling apart
Calling out to you, begging you this way
To not give up on something when you are not okay

It wants you to keep fighting even though you're hurt
Because that is what matters at the end of the day
When you can fight for something that you truly love
Although it may feel like it's a loss of hope

Your heart knows everything, within you and outside
It even knows things your brain can't think about
It's way more sensitive, it's caring, it's loving
And it's full of hope for a new beginning

Every time you are hurt, it's hurt just as much
Because it just knows how hard it's to give up
And so it wants to stop you so that you won't regret
Your decision because it is only yours to make

So next time before you try to shush it down
Stop for a while, listen, and consider how
It may actually be right about some things in your life
As it's all about emotions that come straight from the heart
© moontus