

I am not free, but I know how to live freely.

I am not free, but I know how to live freely.
While people see their face in the mirror,
I can see my heart.

I love living openly,
I talk to the stars,
Dreaming of the moon without looking at it.

Every step I take feels like I’m a princess.

There are countless restrictions,
But I know how to live from the heart.

My story is simple,
Like a bud folded within itself,
That smiles only in its own joy.

I’m the fairy who knows just one magic:
To shower love and live in love.

This is no poem,
It’s a song my heart hums.

I know how to scatter magic in words too.

I am not a blooming flower,
But a small bud from my own garden,
That hasn’t seen the world,
But is made of pure feelings.

If something feels wrong,
I ask my heart,
Without needing anyone’s advice.

Who am I?
I am just a queen of emotions.

Am I beautiful? I don’t even know,
But I know how to live in the depths of my heart.

I am unaware of the world,
Lost in my own world.

The strings of my heart are tied only to me.

In the depths of my mind,
There lies a desire.

I live in those desires,
Perhaps that’s where my connection lies.
There’s a bond between me and my heart,
One I cannot see,
But I can feel.

On the outside,
Yet deep within,
I have understood.

This universe, this world,
Is within me,
While the outer world is just a game of hate.

But in my heart,
There is only love.

I have a unique connection with that God,
I call Him without a name,
For I know He exists.

There’s no need for a name.
He is my God,
Who resides in my heart as love.
Compassion, kindness, and mercy
Are all forms of God,
And that’s what my heart is made of.

I am a priestess of my God,
What I am, only He knows.
But listening to my heart
Is listening to God.

So, I am just as my heart is.
I have no fear of life or death;
Every decision is acceptable to me.

That’s why I know how to live openly,
Laughing, crying,
Falling, and rising again—
All this is within me.

I don’t know when it began,
Or where it ends,
I only know how to express it.

Between me, my God, and love,
There’s only this difference:
God gave me life,
And love taught me how to live.

Someday, this song or poem
Will start again.

No matter how different I am,
Everyone shares a relationship with me,
Perhaps called friendship.

Now I take my leave,
But I shall return.

I am not free,
But I know how to live freely.

© Aarti kumari singh