

Time = Money Somewhere
In a realm where time equates to gold,
A man, poor in coin, but rich in soul,
Gave his heart to a woman, pure, untold,
And basked in the light of their love's console.

No silver to weigh his pockets down,
But he poured his essence, his very core,
He knew no wealth but in her presence found,
For love's true currency forevermore.

Their souls entwined in passion's symphony,
Igniting fires that ne'er before had burned,
In their embrace, a realm of harmony,
A bond unbroken, eternal lesson learned.

With every moment, bloomed their love anew,
As time's sands fell, they grew ever bright,
Their spirits entwined, forever true,
Their souls intertwined like day and night.

Through the hearth of love, they did ascend,
As perfect love, cast out all trace of sin,
Their connection, like divine transcend,
Their souls dyed in purity deep within.

A heavenly fire fueled by love sincere,
Their hearts aflame, devotion ever pure,
A connection forged, unyielding, clear,
The gift of love, both tender and secure.

Through cycles of life and endless love's refrain,
Their souls spun in circles of eternity,
Each moment seized, the echoes would remain,
Their love's symphony, a fervent sempiternity.
© NightSwimThePoet