

My Mother.
I don't know how should I say this,
Your presence in my life was an eternal bliss.
I never said how much I loved you,
Without saying a word you bid me adieu.

Nobody cares about my happiness,
Without you, I feel my life is meaningless.
I again want to sit in your lap and cry,
I hope I can meet you again when I die.

Your wrinkled hands showed how hard you worked,
Your furrowed forehead exhibited how much you suffered.
Whatever you taught me about life is like pearls,
To me, You were the most beautiful woman in the world.

Spending time with you was a blessing,
You were my hero, today I am confessing.
Even in poverty, you gave me riches,
I was happy with the new toys but couldn't see your tears.

Nothing in my life is going well,
Slowly and steadily I am being dragged into hell.
I need you, mother because you are my might,
I know, only your benediction can make everything all right.
© Deepak Bhardwaj