

T.L.N- Chapter 3 morning sickness
My morning started with me running to the toilet to throw up last night's dinner while the kids stayed asleep not having to get up for a couple more hours. After dey heaving for another ten minutes, I brushed my teeth and got ready for the day.

After cleaning the whole house I made breakfast, woke the kids so we can sit down and eat before starting the day, then got them situated with their school books and learning website before logging in to my online college class.

Five classes later and four bathroom breaks to throw up my nonexistent meals and I'm exhausted. The kids are now past their grade level in some of their studies one higher than the other in certain studies.

After chucking it up to having the stomach flu, I grabbed the kids then went to the store to get material for my class project since I have to make jewelry for twins with completely different personalities but the jewelry still goes together so you know it's a part of a pair.

That would have been an extremely hard project if I didn't have twins myself. Kanai is more sociable and easy-going while Keir is more observant and wise, only talking when it's needed.

When we got back from the store I immediately got to work on my project so I can get it done in time for the deadline. A couple of hours later and it was done, I even added an inscription to the front one was a necklace and the other a bracelet.

Calling the boys over to me I showed them what I made and they loved it Kanai grabbed the necklace and put it on while Keir grabbed the bracelet and put it on his right wrist. After reading what it said they smiled happily and before hugging me tightly.

After taking some pictures of them and the jewelry we hung out on the couch and watched some tv before it was time for me to head to work. Fourteen hours of work later and I'm so exhausted I'm surprised I haven't fainted yet.

Work was so hard to do more than usual, some of the foods were making me sick to my stomach. Just the smell of it had me running to the toilet to let the bile out. It was so hard pretending everything was okay so I don't get sent home early and get my pay reduced.

Since I'm the outcast in this pack they try everything to make my life a living hell. They only allowed me to rent this tiny shack-like house for way too much money $2,000 hoping I would go bankrupt. My electricity and water bill is way overpriced $300 & $100 to try and make me not have enough money for my daily needs. I had to fight tooth and nail to get internet and it's still the suckiest plan they have which is also being overpriced $100 only for me.

That's a total of  $2,500 not even counting the $900 for my online college class and everything I need for the course, $300 for my jewelry business, and then the $400 in groceries and that's counting my kids that I adopted, I also put $280 in my savings account as backup, every month I'm paying $4380 leaving me with $20.

I'm glad because of my PTSD I'm eligible for SSD so I get paid $1,800 a month and $26 of that goes to my life insurance so if anything ever happens to me my kids will be ok and I can add an extra $100 to my savings. With the help of SSD, I can pay my monthly bills of $4506 which leaves me with $1700 in spending money.

If I didn't have my SSD checks I would not be able to take my kids out just for fun or do mandatory checkups. After making something that will hopefully stay down we are dinner before giving them baths so they can get some sleep. Usually, I don't sleep much ever since then since nightmares plagued my dreams throughout the night, after adopting the kids I haven't had many nightmares lately and I'm grateful for that.

After putting go to the courthouse on my calendar I went to sleep with the kids and Saniel. I've been throwing up for the past month now and it's so irritating. My appetite has also increased a little bit.

Anyway, after getting the kids together we headed to the courthouse that was a couple of blocks away from my job so that I can officially adopt the twins if their parents ever come back or anyone who wants to use them for something comes and tries to claim them they can't since they will be officially mine.

When we got to the courthouse one of the security guards said

"Sorry pets aren't allowed in here"

"Um Senial isn't just a pet she's my service dog"

I replied while pointing to her vest that clearly says service animal on both sides

"Look, sir, no pets are allowed ok, and you can go to jail for faking a service animal"

"I'm not faking anything sir, and She is a service dog and she needs to be by my side"

"I'm going to need to see some proof before I allow you to walk in"

"It is against the law for you to ask me that"

"I tell you what is against the law not the other way around, since you have an attitude and is a fraud your under arrest"


I replied as he slammed me against the ground causing the flashbacks to commence as I started to tremble and resist against his hold me, making my stress levels rise as Saniel started to alert me vigorously as she started barking drawing two other security guards over as my seizure came and I blacked out.

When I came to the twins were hiding under a chair while a guard was trying to get them to come out, there was a paramedic next to me asking me questions. After my head cleared I gave Saniel the signal before sitting up and answering the paramedic's questions the twins ran for me the moment they noticed me awake and sitting up.

"Hey you two, it's okay see I'm still here"

I replied as they sobbed in my arms while I rubbed their backs with my hand and my nub since my prosthetic came off when that guard tried to arrest me.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes, can I see the judge now"

"That is where we are going right now"

He replied before he helped me up and put my arm back on. On the way to the judge's room, one kid was clinging to my back while the other was holding my hand tightly. When we made it to the judge's room I and the kids sat at the table, me at the end because of Saniel.

"It has been brought to my attention that you were assaulted earlier"

"Um, y-yes the guard said that there are no pets allowed but Saniel is also my service dog... I have PTSD and epilepsy, when I showed him Saniel's vest he told me that I could go to jail for faking a service animal and said that he needs some proof... I said asking that was against the law and he said and I quote 'I tell you what is against the law not the other way around

Before attempting to arrest me which caused all the unwanted memories I'm trying to forget to come forward as he slammed me to the ground which caused me to resist and try to get away, then my stress levels started to rise when I wasn't able to free myself from the restriction so I had a seizure"

I said as I started to cough heavily being unable to take a single breathe while looking in my bag for my inhaler that always stays in there. Not finding my inhaler I started to see spots as I started to look for my back up inside of Saniel's vest but not being able to as I fell taking fast past short breathe in when the paramedic ran to me as I pointed to the vest.

When he got the inhaler I quickly grabbed it taking a couple of pumps before I could breathe properly again as I slowly got up and sat back in my chair.

"I also have asthma occupational and exercise"

"Why did you come to court today?"

"Because a month back when I was out on a walk in the woods behind my house I found these two lovely boys and decided to take them in as my own since I love kids and my place is lonely, but I don't want someone to come and take them from me because they are legally mine... So I came here to legally adopt them"

"You've had them for a month right?"

"Yes, your honor"

"How has that been with your disabilities?"

"Surprisingly well, because of my medication, I don't have grand mal seizures unless my stress level is up the roof, my asthma doesn't act up much because I take precautions to avoid that... My PTSD isn't as bad as before the kids came into my life"

"You've been living by yourself, no kid experience, can you do it"

"Yes your honor, you're right but since they came into my life I've already adapted and changed... I know kids cost a lot sometimes and I'm ready for it"

"What about financially, can you truly afford to have kids?"

"I've been working since I was sixteen years old I have a lot of money in my savings and I'm working two full-time jobs and I'm starting my own business too so I get money from that"

"How is your living situation?"

"I live in a one-bedroom shack-like house"

"What about schooling?"

"I've decided to home school them because of my work hours it's just a lot easier for me that way and they are doing good in their studies"

"What's your highest education and do plan to get higher education?"

"I'm currently in college going for my masters in 3D product design for jewelry"

"How do you find time to be there for them with so many responsibilities?"

"I have a schedule, so I start the day by cleaning and making breakfast, then I wake them up to eat before they start doing their studies while I do mine online, then we eat lunch before I go to work"

"You leave them home alone?"

"No, they come with me to work"

"What do you do?"

"I work as a delivery person for a Cake-A-Licious for five hours with a twenty min. Break after 2 1/2 hours, then I have a two-hour cool down before I have my shift at Blissful Bites Cafe where I work as a server for nine hours with a thirty min. Break after 4 1/2 hours"

"Ok well everything checks out contrast you have officially adopted these boys"

"Thank you, sir"

I replied as I hugged my kids. After making sure we had everything we headed back to my bike so we can go to the ice cream shop to celebrate since I took the day off from both jobs for this.

After an exciting day full of joy and laughter we got ready for bed before watching a cartoon as we fell asleep on the bed.

© orchi1987