


I have never been so mad, I am literally shaking with it,
I will plan your demise, this time I will shoot and won't miss,
You played me, told me you care then stabbed me in my back,
Silly me believing in any good, I need to learn to stop that,
I will no longer be a victim of your authority, no more abuse,
Gotta stand on these wobbly knees, with skin torn and bruised,
You continue to shout, lording over me with all your noise,
I am silently fuming, your wrong, I do have a choice,
As ideas flow through me on how to finally end you,
A sense of calm grabs me, and I no longer feel so confused,
Your back to the window, frustrated, I strike, with no hesitation,
You scream as you fell to your doom, death by defenestration.

© C.Wynter