

Night Of The Storm's Fury
Currently Maldives is on red alert
of raining and storm
so I got the inspiration from
it 🙃

Happy reading

The wind whispers
secrets through the trees,
A restless energy fills the air,
Dark clouds gather, like a churning sea,
As the first fat drop of rain prepare,

The drumming on the roof begins a slow,
Steady rhythm, then a sudden beat,
The wind picks up, a mournful blow,
An icy needles pierce the street,

Torrents lash the windowpanes, a blur,
The world reduced to shades of gray,
Lighting splits the sky, a jagged skar
And thunder rumbles far away,

The storm rages on, a symphony,
Of power and fury, wild and vast,
But nestled safe, we wait and see,
For the calm that follows, built to last,

The hours crawl by, marked by the storm's rage,
A relentless assault on earth and sky,
Trees strain against the wind's untamed cage,
Their branches clawing at the weeping sky,

Flooded gutters overflow their brims,
Creating rivers down the weeping stone,
Distant flashes, flickering, dim,
The storm's cold heart, a world unknown,

But as the night matures, the tempest wanes,
The drumming softens to a gentle sigh,
A hush descends, a pause that strains,
Then whispers carried on a cooling cry,

The first tentative streaks of dawn appear,
A pearly light through clouds that softly creep,
The storm has spent it's fury, calm is near,
The world awakens from it's restless sleep,

The sun, a shy observer, breaks the gloom,
Casting long shadows on the glistening grounds,
Birdsong replaces thunder's blooming doom,
A gentle breeze with a peaceful sound,

The air is clear, washer clean by rain's embrace,
A world reborn beneath a vibrant sky,
The storm's a memory, a fleeting trace,
A symphony of power,

© Lunadesigns