

Am I too greedy ?
I wish to be live an okay ,
Like in a mornings ,
To bloom like a bud of rose
with no new regrets or with
a wide smile like sunshine.

May be a walk like a happy bird
with its mischievous companions
in a endless blurry road.

Climb to the peak of mountain
that rains snow and love.
Or may be a sunset in a shore
that heal my soul.

To write all my hurts in paper
that bundled and burned them till ashes.
sometimes a mug of coffee
in a middle of day
with new faces that has no
past histories to be reminded.

Admire some paintings of people ,
to get ideas of life
that they already colored.
may be few black and white films and
a vintage photography would work aesthetically.

Rounds in a merry-go-round ,
that revolves merriment in air.
May be run in a open road ,
with a loud screams that none hear.

Make a hell out of this prison ,
that I built for me in my mind.
neither destroyed nor conquered.
And may be few words from me
to speak aloud to say who I am
and what I want.

Fly high like a butterfly that visits
some nooks and corners of world
to scribble some words from
smiles that invaded without weapons.

Flirt with someone I know
fictionally , whom I adore
through the lines of author
penned with beauty.

Am I too greedy
to ask them mine ?
I may tick all of this ,
or may be not.
I seems to care less but more
for what I'm wanting for.
May be its late for loving myself ?
but I'm trying to figure them in.

If it's too greedy ,
Then I'm happy to be greedy.
Love and Love to be lived
what you actually need ,
Love yourself honey ,
before life gives you " The End ".

© ms_sillypen

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