

Simple Song(simplicity)(the series)
I was sitting at my table today.
Expecting to write a beautiful poem.
But as I sat there, nothing happened.
My mind couldn't produce words,
and my pencil couldn't mark the paper.
It was in that moment I realized...
Poetry isn't everything. At least not for everyone.
So here is a simple letter.
To us simple people (or maybe the complicated)
Let's not find the hiden meanings and take the surface truths.
Because after all, before I sat at the table,
I lay on my bed.
Listening to a simple song.


I haven't live many years on Earth, so I don't have many experiences to share.
But even in my short time, I have seen much injustice.
People looked down upon for their gender
people murdered for their colour.
Growing up, I never understood why.
Untill recent years, I still didn't.
Now I understand.
We are blind.
Blind to our fellow humans.
Blind to the monsters we have become.
Why must people be rejected for who they love?
Many people say "...this is 2020. Love who you want."
But then I ask.
Why couldn't I in 1920?
or 1820?
or 1720?
and definitely 1620?
Influenza came and took the families of those existing then.
Ebola came but we fought as a people.
Covid has come, it's fingers digging holes into our existence.
And while we fight this menace, hatred brews still in our hearts.
If the man is superior, and the white is better or maybe love is different then surely they must be immune to death?
We are people and maybe we aren't the same because surely there are clear differences, but the fight is to not judge a person based on those differences.
Sometimes I think "if humans are like this, are we any better than the animals we claim superiority over?"
So today, instead of throwing a stone at the black person, or young teenager who is pregnant, or the young little girl that likes her neighbors daughter, let's love them all.
Did I say this earlier?
I was listening to a song,
it was a simple song, for us simple people (and maybe the complicated), but it passed a simple message, Love.
© Ema(Mae)