

Killer feelings
Feelings are perpetual, aren’t they?
I’m all smiles and tears
Not confined to anything specific
Often I cry when I’m happy
And Smile when I’m sad.
Often I pick up a battle between
What I know and how I feel.
Where I slip and I fail
I weep and I struggle to shine.
As a matter of fact here!
You can master what I do
But not the feelings I feel
Those feelings are often left unexplained
They are too loud for words,
And too shy for the world to be explained.
And there comes a time where I have realized
The only way to fight a feeling is with a feeling.
And in the end, the most amazing feeling
Is the feel of the cold breeze, I breathe in
That is the feeling of being ALIVE.
And to actually feel the feeling
Is the different level
Of accepting yourself to be the REAL YOU.

- Thirumala

© Thirumala Reddy