

Did you know?
Did you ever heard my heart,
when it told you can we hug?
Did you know, yet stay far?
Did I ever touch you? I doubt.

Did you notice when I smiled,
a little shy from your eyes?
Did you try to protect me,
when I fell there on the ground?

Was it hard to accept,
that it was your fault also?
When you pretended like that,
where you proud of where you were going?

Somehow I couldn't forget,
when you said I looked ok,
but how come I still regret,
that I loved you just this way?

You allowed them to do bad,
suddenly even you smiled,
there at that moment sayed
I question: How I didn't cry?

Did you know what you did,
when you treated me that way?
You might or might have not know,
that my love was no game.

I did know how it would end,
from the first time that we met,
but I still let myself free,
to dream of you was just a dream.

When I walked there straight ahead,
so a moment more we stayed,
I broke rules I myself set, I didn't obey,
but how come on the phone you stayed.

How can my heart still beat a little,
when I remember your name or listen?
I remember it very well,
I truly think you were a gentleman.

You may break hearts like mine wherever,
but I still have to be grateful.
You made me discover love,
at least just a portion of it somehow.

A small size, yet stronger than wind.
It was a tsunami truly not seen.
It would have killed many but I kept it in,
I'm glad I stopped running to you I think.

Did you know my gaze,
was at you every minute,
and it made me feel lost,
when you weren't in it?

I hate it and hate it again,
when my eyes try to catch a glimpse of you.
Knowing you'll never be there
I feel as if you had no clue.

Sometimes I remember you,
when I say goodbye to someone else,
and I can still remember when you asked,
why I ignored your "Hi" that day.

If you just looked at my eyes,
I would have spoken the truth,
because this is what I am,
a stupid kid always in love.

Did you know or did you not?
That is all I want to hear!
The last moment I let you go,
I truly wanted to ask you this.

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#heartbrake #lonly #regrets #Love&love