

City of Temple
In the heart of the Himalayan range,
Lies Kathmandu, a city so grand,
A place where ancient and modern blends,
A tale of history to every friend.
Temples, they stand in every nook,
Each one has its own unique look,
Their stories etched in every stone,
A testament to time, yet not alone.
Prayers rise with the break of dawn,
As the city awakens from its slumber,
The air, filled with incense and chants,
A sacred symphony that lasts.
In the Valley of the Gods, we find,
A city rich in culture and kind,
Where people's hearts are open wide,
Embracing all with love as their guide.
Kathmandu, the city of temples,
A place where spirits and souls mend,
A treasure trove for those who seek,
A journey to the heart, a sacred peek.
© प्रियंका