

The swans are gone/Los cisnes ya no estan
And it's sad
and it's not sad,
and it is empty and
sometimes complete

I was passing by the lake,
i carried a notebook
with some recent poems

I thought and observed,
sometimes i smiled and
some people walked,
the sun above took it

i was coming home,
the streets were silent and uninhabitable
I thought of a good title
for a story,
I thought about the characters and
in a decent ending,
maybe a sad one,
maybe a happy one

Get home,
lie down in bed and
remember the swans,
today they were not there.

Versión en español

Y es triste
y no es triste,
y es vacio y
a veces completo

Pasaba por el lago,
llevaba una libreta
con unos poemas recientes

pensaba, observaba,
a veces sonreia y
algunas personas
el sol arriba se lo tomaba
con calma.

Volvia a casa,
las calles estaban silenciosas e
pensé en algun buen título
para una historia,
pensé en los personajes y
en un final decente,
tal vez uno triste,
tal vez uno alegre

Llegué a casa,
me tumbé en la cama y
recordé a los cisnes,
hoy no estaban.

#WritcoQuote #writer #writcoapp #love&love #insoirational #quoteswriter #healing

© Isay

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