

Self Esteem Lost In The Dark Web...
My self-esteem
was once supreme
until one day I met Ms lusty
through the portal to the dark web
Like a black widow she drew me in
without me being aware.

From a young age
she waged war with rage
Against my
my positive self-esteem I embraced.

Her virus effected my soul’s motherboard
in the process I became supremely insecure
Shivering and dead cold from lack of confidence
that once heating up my skin and pores.

I became hooked to the dark web
It was my constant escape
Hoping to find peace and grace
When she devilishly stared into my face.

She loves me then she loves me not
She wants me to stay in the dark web
And watch my mind body and soul rot
From endlessly scrolling to the point my thumbs bleeds yet I can’t stop.

© L.A.T.A/@josephleartist

#pride #love #lust #tender #king #women