

if youre gonna say something
don't say it
the next thing might be tragic
you burn a hole in my face with youre sumptuou eyes
you taser me on max
don't say it
youre lips are wet with spume
the creatures flee
the plants wilt
you chain me in plaster with gauze and mesh
if you say something,
the overwhelming context may shift the tectonic plates
you thwart the rainy mirror on the faucet
you are too lustreous and shiny
if you went to heaven you would seduce all the Aliens
do not speak
you are an interruption of an clean mind
they will become like you in the froth and foam
they will become like you,
from shoulder to shoulder
from sea to sea
you may not speak
do not even come into the light
walk youreself into prison
hide under the stairs
eat under the table
you are too selfish and proud
in the end you cannot get away
if Jesus ain't there,
who will save you from God
i cannot withstand you
a whisper broke glass
blocks of ice broke from the crest
you play in the styrofoam
you eat hair
nobody is as free as you