

From Boy To Man, Return To Square One
I don't give a damn if you're a businessman,
A millionaire with some Michelin chefs,
Better yet, the guy who invented the Internet
Would you've guessed that you'd ever get
Attention, much less the message?
It's easy to take your credit all for granted
Whatever the plan was, history is cherished
Even I confess, your leisurely presence
Is a tried and tested remedy for envy

The heavier the pressure, the merrier
Step it up a notch, become a wee bit extra
Become the leader of the team;
The main character, the hero we all need
Rise above the shepherd in a line of sheep
Hard to believe the world's your oyster,
But keep your head pointed in the direction
Guaranteed you'll find your pearls

Life is definitely a game of chess,
More so in a sense that you take a step
Whichever move you make's a chance
To gain intellect, not to place your bets
Pay respects to the greatest yet,
One day you'll inherit the throne
And perish alongside your men

Nowadays, the men have regressed to boys
The predicaments were all meaningless
Destroyed with no remnants left
As they strike a pose to gain respect

© William Robert Death
#poetrycommunity #power