

Whispers from the Void: The Enigmatic Enchantress
In the darkness of the void, where elder gods reside,
There lies a creature of unspeakable pride.
With tentacles writhing, and eyes that burn bright,
She's a cunty, slaying hottie, a true delight.

Her beauty is otherworldly, her power unmatched,
She'll leave you weak in the knees, completely entranced.
But beware, dear mortal, for her love is like a curse,
Once she captures your heart, it's all over, for better or worse.

So tread carefully, if you dare to approach,
For this cosmic temptress can be your downfall, encroach.
But if you're brave enough to face her fiery gaze,
You'll find yourself lost in a love that never fades.

© Jellal_asuma