

Personal page of my personality
I'm not good with people
But still I believe that I'm noble.
I have been running from myself ever since
Now I am exhausted, I have caught up with me.
I have been hiding from society but civilization finds me.
I put up a wall around me
To prevent people from getting close to me.
I'm not afraid of them..
I am more scared of myself.
I never learned how to make first impression
Thus I'm not consistent in pretending.
I have been diagnosed as being strange,
(O.C.D, BIPOLAR and suffering from SPLIT PERSONALITY)
Just don't try to be my medication,
I wouldn't want you to become addicted to me.
My dad and I fit the same jeans but share a separate Gene.
My mom and I have nothing in common
Even though astrology gives us the same signs.

I'm not good with people
But that doesn't make me EVIL.
I like my own space and
I love my PRIVACY.
My favorite time is spending it with me,
But that doesn't mean I don't love you,
It's just that I'm CRAZY about myself.
I am not a conversanist nor I'm into small talk.
But I will politely tell you that I'm doing fine.
I'm not much into reading, but still I would try to read your mind, and you can picky brains in the process.
Just don't ask me to read or translate your lips,
be a little more observant, be intelligent and you will realize that my second language is body language.

I'm not good with people,
But I'm still human.
Please don't ridicule or pity me when I'm in ISOLATION,
You may never understand, it's my never land,
my world.
If I seem extra happy around you,
Don't assume that I am not deeply SAD.
I felt like I'm always surrounded by DEMONS
And living with the ENEMIES..
Demons of my belief and ENEMY of my own ANXIETY.
I'm not good at being human but still I know how to control the ANIMAL within me.