

It's Off But Cool Wind Remains
Magical moments are real, Like the moments where you feel like everything neatly fits itself together, For example: Try to close your eyes the moment before dawn, And just, feel...
the breeze as I walk fast up
the road I hear a computers voice
evacuation evacuation.
So I don't know what's happening
so I leave the area
And the stores lock them selfs
And food trucks are on the road
trying to sell
The food so they can make money
because no one has been
really normal
it's been a drama of a
covid 19 That's still
got us in its mist till this very day.
But as I write this they still have
the computer alarms going off
if you ask me how long from
2:49am till now 4:50 so I hope
they fix that building and computer
within it. Technology is important
to all of use who feel but
we need techs are to be advanced
And fight sicknesses
And to feel
the wind or bad shadows
And change the outcome
of situations
Other want to be your
Down fall
But you didn't even
know they say in you
But you wake up and was sleep
then you call the help
And they said no need
someone already called.
And every one moving
around everywhere to get
Some where. I head back
home and find some madness
among men but it heads
up the way. Then I was what is this?
So all throughout my walk I
was telling different emotions
which with others dramas could not
be really addressed
because others disappeared in the
middle of the drama
And left alarms going off
And doors open that should not be open
places locking customer out who
was wild. And business men walking the streets saying hey try my food
trying to just sell this to make profit
low on funds.
Then Clubs closed and told people
get out or locked door
to count and be safe
because now it's different
times we live in
So yes in the breeze
you still got to be alert
to upsets in the mist of the
wind and computers which finally
Have been shut off.

© lashes