

On My Car
The car drove and I watched as the night was planning to storm. I had
To get what I needed instead of what
I wanted it was almost flakes and flurry time. But that did not stop the guy
who will remain nameless. He is but
a shadow to the wind as the breeze
bless by. So I felt the difference in the air as the storm moves closer and closer.
Then nameless is on the scene with. That look in his eyes oh how could I ever forget so I started giving chase to
the car then turned and he was gone
he had to go back to his own area.
But the snow came down and made his shadow real. So much so that the ghost
In the wind were worried like I. But they moved safely around me. Before
no one could come out and be around
To much natural power that has us like
what interesting. So I ran and then I looked again and there he was in the mist of my car door so I got in and laughed bit he jumped on top of the hood. and then I drove with him on there and he was yelling and screaming but I laughed that's what you get for trying to off me tonight. It's been bad but I am not ready to die yet. He laughed. and I laughed to you don't
know I was about to drive you to
where else the police station. Which is where they can get at you for being on my roof of my car. So he stopped laughing and said oh no. And about
8 or 9 blue uniform ed people got him
And I parked and went in to give a statement. But I saw he grabbed a police persons gun and all crazy broke lose so I run out the door so he would not shoot me for driving him to the
police station and I did not want to be dead so I wrote my statement in the car.
And when the police got it under control then I gave them my paper.
And he was like yelling through the bars you luck. And I asked the police he crazy can I have witness protection and they laughed we all need it from this one true that. So I leave and trial comes around then the judge asked me what happened and I told him. I ran jumped in car he jumped on top the car and I drove him to police station so he could go to jail before he got at me. Then the police testified and he got life. But at the trial they say he got out and put a police man's clothes on and then ran
so he got away. So when I went to my car I looked very carefully because he could have been around to get me.
But no so I drive away then I see him
he had a wig on an a lady's coat then I start the car. And drive fast running him over. And the cops cheered as the coat fell open and it was a naked killer with socks on only and he was gone. So I had to have therapy for killing another human and the city was happy because a killer was off the streets.
The End

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