

Ice Cold
"You're a cold, cold woman" I say.,
"I know this because I've lost fingers to frost bite. They reached to touch you and all they are now is stubs of dead tissue."
The words I say never faze her. She looks down at me like she always does.
"You're a cold, cold woman" I say again
"I know this because when I'm around you my breath fogs up.
Tears crystalize near you"
That earns me a lazy look my way.
"You're a cold, cold woman" I scream in rage,
" whatever redeeming quality you used to have has long since turned to vindictive ice.
Your compassion is reduced to resentment under years of hail storms and your smile is buried somewhere under an avalanche of frowns.
I just hope someday you warmup to someone and allow them to melt through your ice cocoon and find your smile"
My words mean nothing to her.
I know it. But I try anyway
She knows it too. She just glances away.
I watch my foggy breath swirl around the embodiment of winter herself and leave knowing she will not stop me .
© Ma-cal