

Hate has burned the world like acid.
Made it decay.

The man accuses the woman, and the woman accuses him back.

The white woman threw slurs at the colored woman, so the colored woman threw slurs back at the white woman.

The politicians nitpicked every flaw about each other, and their followers did the same to each other.

All these people

They are so busy fighting

That they don't see
the world around them.

Every time a person throws acid and misses, the Earth gets burned.

Every time someone spits venom and misses, the Earth gets poisoned.

The Earth that they trample on as they wrestle,

She's calling for help.

But no one hears her. No one hears the Earth's raspy call or her restrained screams for mercy
Because the people, her people, are too busy screaming at each other.

© Fuyu Ryuu