

Making Honey
Making Honey

by R.

The darkness that is myself
your lightning in the dark
the teaching of the truth
& your life that's full of sparks

My sins are in the sea
They cannot be seen
the love that cured my
full crazed mind
washed the sinner clean

The Statues of the world
Are not at all like you
They look like frozen moments
in the conquests of the Jews

my little boat must sail
to horizons gone
I'm sailing to Byzantium
to find out what's to come.

O help me, returning king!
help me to escape my hate!
my successes they are killing me
My trophies never helped

I've auctioned off my love
to the highest bid
I've never known true happiness
My plans
did what they did

So, smile upon my failure
laugh at my good ideas

let me live inside your shadow
in a story I wish I
did not know

I praise you for your
happy birds of hope
they migrate now to me

I am just a fisherman
who has no net
& full of bad destinies

So speak to me the speech
trippingly on the tongue
You make honey out of the Universe
I could go on & on

Kill every genius thought
They've ruined my whole life
let me spread your earthquake gospel
let the ground spit and swallow
every false prophet that rules the world

I've always prayed to you
I've also prayed to wood

The neighborhoods have gone crazy
the children live in locked up rooms

You're coming with a trumpet sound
And suddenly all
the idols are gone.

© R Becker