

Republic day celebrates unity
A day to remember our nation's dignity
We hold our heads high
As the tricolor flutters in the sky

It's a day to honor our constitution
And celebrate our country's evolution
From a colony to an independent state
Our freedom we will always celebrate

We remember the struggles and sacrifices
Of our brave hearts and their endless crises
Their blood, sweat, and tears
Have given us this day to cheer

On this day, we are all one
No differences, no division
Our diversity is our strength
Together we'll go to any length

We stand tall, united and free
A beacon of hope for all to see
Our democracy, a precious gift
For which we'll always uplift

Let's pledge to uphold our values
And work towards a better tomorrow
For our children, and their children too
Let's keep the spirit of Republic day true

So let the tricolor fly high
As we celebrate with joy and pride
Happy Republic day, let us say
Jai Hind, our nation forever will stay.