

Average disgust
"He's not that bad" she said appraising me.
My cheeks flush red. "I didn't think so either" I Monologue.

I sat on the stoole alone surrounded by stories of love, lust and sex.
My loneliness sat in me hauntingly like a gift sent to vex.
The mirror stares back a handsome, kind young man.
Mid, average and confused without his number one fan.

"It's been how long" she exclaims laughter filling the crowd.
"Nothing wrong with good sex. what's wrong with you?" she prods.

Nothing is wrong with me but equally nothing is right.
Mediocre. Average. Attractive in the right light.
Heart full and kind with love left to give.
Loneliness buried inside it deeper than a prison shiv.

"Get out there. You just have to put yourself out there" she grates.
"If shyness was the reason" I react "This would be an easy fix".

I'm a man all alone in life on the verge of collapse.
Emotions wrought and wrung ready for the relapse.
To booze or to lust or to the next thing that fills me.
Failing the potential of everything I could be.

© Swiftonic Poetry