

There is a road with no directions
and I warned him not to walk down that track
cause anyone who dared to
has never returned back

So he asked, where it led to
and I told him I don't know where it ends but I know where it starts
It begins when you fall in love
and think that love will last

He replied but that's not true for all the cases
and there is love that lasts
and maybe you don't believe me
but I won't write my future with your past

So I laughed and said, oh dear you are blind in love
cause anyone who walked down that path has just replied the same
and I believe that love has that power
and so I am no one to blame

That is when he smiled and said, oh I wish you were blind too
as I have seen all the beauty and yet I am blind in love
and even if you give me all the treasures
I won't put a single one above

and so he went walking down
on that directionless track
and just like all the others
he never returned back.......

© unfinished