

To my grandson,

There will be many moments we'll treasure as you grow and become a person.
I know I too, will learn right beside you.
You will grow up and I will grow old...
I'm bottling whats left of my youth now and storing it away for the upcoming years.
You'll notice things about me and you'll ask me questions.
I will give you all of my honesty.... sometimes that might hurt your heart a little.
I will repeat my stories with a tiny hope you'll never forget them.
I will teach you the things that your parents can't.
I might show irritation if you don't pay attention,
Its only because I want you to know.
I Want you to learn.
I want to see the voltage in your heart.
I want to see the ocean in your soul.
It's your life.
And I want to see as much as I can of it.
I have one promise that we need to make to each other,
Only one for as long as I am here...
My sweet grandson, I promise I will never lie to you.
And because of that..... you will never have to say goodbye to me.

© Kasey Spotanski