

An Ocean Of Memories 🌊 Remembering My First Love 💕💔
Memories of my first love 50 years on!
delivered on the incoming tide
of last night's dream
resurfacing along with the flotsom and jetsom
of my unfulfilled existence
recollections of my first love
previously lost in an ocean of memories
stirred up by a swirling sea of emotions
buried in the deepest abyss of my heart
her features, her surpassing beauty
unchanged by the ravages of time
my own appearance battered and eroded
by the incoming tide of advancing years
a distorted mirror image
on my former younger self
all those many years ago
sadly, it was never meant to be
I was soon to realise that our paths
were driven by opposing currents
my hopes for our future together
swept overboard and sunk
when I next dream
I will consign her memory
back to the deep from wence it came
for all eternity.

© The Poetic Dinosaur🦖