

Questions of Silence
Who really cares?
Who needs you forever?
Who will come for you in your hardships?
Where can we go to have a happy world?
In the search for life, we miss ourselves in the paths.

Who will know what is going on in your mind?
Where can we go and blame for the life with sorrows?
Who will understand our life better than us?
Where can we get the existence of living?
How can we move on, when everything is stuck up?

Drops of pains with blood
Never be so close to anyone
Rather be close within yourself
Never blame anyone, blame yourself
Bloods shed by you, will not be seen by others.

Seeking the pain, where can we find the happiness?
Happy faces or talks doesn't mean a person is happy
Who will know the real pain of oneself?
Who will understand the depth of your life?
You can only let it go by not being yourself.

Never get tired of being alone
Loneliness can make you depressed
But, loneliness gives you the strength to face the reality
Everyone can win, but you don't want to prove yourself to win the race
Let everyone take up their life, it's okay if you are not to the point.
- Renuga R P