

Heretical Prayer (rework of a previous poem)
Would it be heretical speech to portion out the mass belief of an eternal bond between love and hate, and describe the devil and God as one in the same? Are we owed heaven? What of self reflection? If denied, because beyond the gates there cannot be executioners that haven't suffered the blades, is it justifiable to slander the saints and forge the evidence that takes away what they have given all to curate? Does it raise the stakes? In this situation, would an ordinary person see it portrayed this way? God, do you view this favorably? Will closed eyes somehow widen the big picture of self proclaimed heros and visionaries? Was the devil a mistake? Are you infallible, anyway? Because the world I see, half could not have been meant to be this way. People die by other people's reasons, there's diseases, failure to those who honestly tried for a better life, and denied. Persecutions seem outdated, but they prevail moreso than honesty and pride. Shame has embellished it's credentials and crept into a disproportionate number of minds. Was equality supposed to be a part of the design? That's what many of us want, but if it was your plan why is it hard to come by? Do we misunderstand "divine?" Why would you let your son die amongst this type of strife? Are you God, and not I because I would have chosen the Earth to die before my child...
© Alien.S